Friday, 30 December 2016

Do I Need To Take The Lid Off The Garlic Jar?

It all started with a conversation with my sister.

Sister: My friend has been getting Reiki healing.
Me: Oh that's great.
Sister: Yes it's really helping him. I think I should get some too but I looked into the price and it's $90 a session, can't afford that right now.
Me: Well it's a good thing you know someone with their Reiki certificate.
Sister: Really?!? Who?
Me: ME!!
Sister What?!!! Since when.

I promise that I talk to my sister and I am convinced I told her when I got my Reiki certification. I even remember trying to practice on her cat, but that beast is evil so I Reikied her dog instead. So we arrange for a Reiki session at my house with her and an other friend of hers. Made it into a slumber party as well since I live a fair ways away.

To do a proper Reiki session a certain level of peace and quiet helps so we waited until the evening to get started. We set up in my living room and I was pulling out some of my stuff mainly my candles, sage and crystals.

Although the kids where all in the one room for bed, they were not sleeping nor were they getting along so my sister got up to set them straight. She was standing in front of the bedroom door setting down the law when she was patted on the back as if to support her. She turned her head to look at me since she assume that it was me patting her. That is when she saw me, sitting on the couch in the living room. She looked to her other side and saw nothing there either. It took a few seconds but she when realized that nobody was around to have patted her back she screamed, jumped and ran across the house towards my bedroom, still screaming and removing her house coat and sweater in the process.

I didn't understand what she was freaking out about... maybe a spider? but I laughed. I laughed hard. Funniest thing I ever saw. Looked a lot like this.

Eventually she calmed enough to explain the patting on the back.

Me: Wait a minute, I called you yesterday to tell you that I felt someone grab my ankle when no one was around and you told me to suck it up.
Sister: That was different!
Me: How so?
Sister: Because that was happening to you, not me.
Friend: Huh, nobody told me the sleepover was in a haunted house.
Me: It's not haunted, it's visited. There's a difference.

So we proceed to laugh some more, or I did anyways. My sister decided to call our brother and sister-in-law to tell them about her experience. Our sister-in-law also freaked out, I kept laughing. When she hung up, the sage spray and a shell I had set up on a table near her fell to the ground for no apparent reason. Again she jumped up yelling "No! That's it! I don't think so!!" and proceeded to again run to my bedroom. My laughing frenzy started all over again.

She eventually summed up the courage to come back to the living room and called my brother and sister-in-law again to explain to them the latest development in her dilemma. Keep in mind I can only hear her side of the conversation, but my laughter just started again when I heard her say "What?!? No!! Garlic is for vampires!" Really, did he just suggest she gets garlic for protection? Also I only have a jar of minced garlic in the house. I wonder if we need to remove the lid for the benefit of it's protection effect. (we later took a picture with the garlic jar to send to my brother)

Oh my gosh, I am dying of laughter by now, just trying not to pee my pants. This is just getting too funny. I should point out, having been dealing with a child who has been aware and feeling the presence of spirits all around him, that visitation from spirit does not make me uncomfortable or weary. So my sister's reaction is just priceless and I can not help myself from laughing. Her friend is laughing uncontrollably by then also if it's from my sister's reaction or from my own I do not know. Probably a combination of both.

After what was a very long time we where  finally calmed enough to proceed with the Reiki session. Both girls are dealing with back issues which we address. For my sister I got to her throat Chakra and she started chocking. So I switched to pendulum healing. A few of her Chakra's where blocked. The Root, Solar Plexus, her Heart Chakra and her Throat Chakra. I was not able to fully clear them and she was feeling a fair amount of discomfort so I will have to do a few extra sessions with her.

After the Reiki is over, I asked her why she was ripping her tops off when she got spooked earlier and she explained that she assumed the tap came from my father-in-law and was worried that it connected to her because she was wearing my house coat.

We decided to ask if it was in fact my father-in-law that was visiting that evening. So I asked using the body compass method. Body compass is a method that resemble a lot to utilizing a pendulum but instead of the pendulum, it's your body that sways.

If you would like to try it, stand tall. take a few deep breath, (just like when card reading I start by asking for support and assistance from my guides, angels, and spiritual team. I also surround in a white light for protection). With your eyes closed ask, "Show me the answer for yes" my yes pushes me backwards. "Show me the answer for no" my no pushes me forward. Finally, "Show me the answer for can't answer and I don't know" for me this is a side to side swaying motion.

So, I asked if it was a spirit visiting that tapped on my sisters back. - YES -  Was it my father-in-law.. -No- Was it a relative of mine? -YES- was it my grandfather on my mother's side -NO- Was is my grandfather on my father's side? -YES-

I explained to my sister that it was our grandfather. Her eyes got big and she seemed uncomfortable. I asked

Me: Doesn't that make it better?
Sister: No!! I wanted it to be your father-in-law!
Me: Why?
Sister: Because that way it's connected to you, not me. Our grandfather might follow me to my home!!

Insert more laugh here.

My grandfather, Merel, passed away from a heart attack at the age of 50. I would have been four or five years old, my sister would have been two at the most. She doesn't remember him but the memories I do have of him, he was always teasing and tickling us. I think he would have enjoyed her reaction!


  1. Pretty crazy story! I'm not sure I would share your composure, but I can say with confidence my clothes would stay on. Also, in addition to the garlic you should have some wooden stakes nearby as well.
