Monday, 19 December 2016

The Wheels Go Round

Tarot Rebel Blog Hop time! Yay just in time for Christmas. Click on the badge to see the other blogs entered for this hop.

This month the topic is on the Wheel Of Fortune card, the tenth of the Major Arcana cards.

I recently attended a local tarot group, well it was a month or so ago. Recent in the grand scheme of things. We were a group of readers, all gathered together and talking about our tarot readings experiences. That evening we ended up doing a "Fool's Journey" looked at each Major Arcana cards in order and discussed it's meaning.

The Wheel Of Fortune card represents cycle and change. Life is a series of ups and downs and this card indicates that such a change is coming. What was, will be again, and what is will once again come around. Like a wheel, going round and round.

Key words: Inevitability, Luck, Timing, Turning point, Destiny

I think this is a great card for the winter solstice. To me this time of year definitely signifies a change. Our days have been getting shorter and shorter (mostly here in Canada) but the wheel is changing and we are heading toward longer and longer days. It's a time of hopes and dreams.

I came across a Winter Solstice Spread I thought I would share with you. I cannot take credit for this spread as I did not create it. You can find the original link here.

Bodhran's/BodhiSeed's Winter Solstice Spread:

1. The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. Sometimes our lives feel so "dark" we forget to look up and see the stars (blessings) in our life. What do I need to be grateful for that I've taken for granted?
2. "Solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" and "sistere" which roughly translates to "sun stands still." If our ancestors stood still, and failed to prepare for the hardest part of winter yet to come, they would die. What do I need to take action on? What plans or preparations do I need to make?
3. Winter, like the other seasons, occurs because of the tilt of the earth. In what direction is my intuition "tilting" or leading me in a situation where a decision needs to be made?
4. After the Winter Solstice, the nights become shorter and the days become longer. What is growing stronger (perhaps something I had given up on) in my life?
***NOTE***You can use an orange stone, a sphere, etc. in the center of the spread so you don't have to take out the Sun card if you prefer.

For my own reading I ended up using an Orange Calcite crystal for the center of my spread. This stone is related to the sacral chakra.

Let me know how this spread worked out for you.


  1. I enjoyed this! I'm, going to keep the spread for Wednesday, and use it to mark the day. And your virtual table! Wow, very cool <3

  2. Very nice, well written post!
    I'll have to try the spread.
    Thank you for your insight, and for sharing.
