Wednesday 1 March 2017

Yes! I Can Hear You

I was asked to do a few readings for a lady who has been hearing a male voice call out to her from time to time.

When I do my reading I am normally very cautious about where the reading comes from and the energies surrounding it. That is the reason I always start with a prayer to my angels and guides and ask archangels to protect the reading in white light and to only allow divined message come through. In this case, since the reading is about the message from a visiting soul I did not ask for only divined messages.

I also created a mini crystal grid to help with my reading.

  1. Clear Quartz: Great crystal for energy and healing.
  2. Onyx: Provides support in confusing circumstances centering your energy and aligning it with a higher power, accessing higher guidance. Useful in past life works.
  3. Red Jasper: Brings problems to light and provides insights.
  4. Black Tourmaline: Brings protection during rituals
  5. Turquoise: Enhances communication with the physical and spiritual world.

This was a very interesting reading and it was great to see how communicative the cards where.

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