Friday, 30 December 2016

Do I Need To Take The Lid Off The Garlic Jar?

It all started with a conversation with my sister.

Sister: My friend has been getting Reiki healing.
Me: Oh that's great.
Sister: Yes it's really helping him. I think I should get some too but I looked into the price and it's $90 a session, can't afford that right now.
Me: Well it's a good thing you know someone with their Reiki certificate.
Sister: Really?!? Who?
Me: ME!!
Sister What?!!! Since when.

I promise that I talk to my sister and I am convinced I told her when I got my Reiki certification. I even remember trying to practice on her cat, but that beast is evil so I Reikied her dog instead. So we arrange for a Reiki session at my house with her and an other friend of hers. Made it into a slumber party as well since I live a fair ways away.

To do a proper Reiki session a certain level of peace and quiet helps so we waited until the evening to get started. We set up in my living room and I was pulling out some of my stuff mainly my candles, sage and crystals.

Although the kids where all in the one room for bed, they were not sleeping nor were they getting along so my sister got up to set them straight. She was standing in front of the bedroom door setting down the law when she was patted on the back as if to support her. She turned her head to look at me since she assume that it was me patting her. That is when she saw me, sitting on the couch in the living room. She looked to her other side and saw nothing there either. It took a few seconds but she when realized that nobody was around to have patted her back she screamed, jumped and ran across the house towards my bedroom, still screaming and removing her house coat and sweater in the process.

I didn't understand what she was freaking out about... maybe a spider? but I laughed. I laughed hard. Funniest thing I ever saw. Looked a lot like this.

Eventually she calmed enough to explain the patting on the back.

Me: Wait a minute, I called you yesterday to tell you that I felt someone grab my ankle when no one was around and you told me to suck it up.
Sister: That was different!
Me: How so?
Sister: Because that was happening to you, not me.
Friend: Huh, nobody told me the sleepover was in a haunted house.
Me: It's not haunted, it's visited. There's a difference.

So we proceed to laugh some more, or I did anyways. My sister decided to call our brother and sister-in-law to tell them about her experience. Our sister-in-law also freaked out, I kept laughing. When she hung up, the sage spray and a shell I had set up on a table near her fell to the ground for no apparent reason. Again she jumped up yelling "No! That's it! I don't think so!!" and proceeded to again run to my bedroom. My laughing frenzy started all over again.

She eventually summed up the courage to come back to the living room and called my brother and sister-in-law again to explain to them the latest development in her dilemma. Keep in mind I can only hear her side of the conversation, but my laughter just started again when I heard her say "What?!? No!! Garlic is for vampires!" Really, did he just suggest she gets garlic for protection? Also I only have a jar of minced garlic in the house. I wonder if we need to remove the lid for the benefit of it's protection effect. (we later took a picture with the garlic jar to send to my brother)

Oh my gosh, I am dying of laughter by now, just trying not to pee my pants. This is just getting too funny. I should point out, having been dealing with a child who has been aware and feeling the presence of spirits all around him, that visitation from spirit does not make me uncomfortable or weary. So my sister's reaction is just priceless and I can not help myself from laughing. Her friend is laughing uncontrollably by then also if it's from my sister's reaction or from my own I do not know. Probably a combination of both.

After what was a very long time we where  finally calmed enough to proceed with the Reiki session. Both girls are dealing with back issues which we address. For my sister I got to her throat Chakra and she started chocking. So I switched to pendulum healing. A few of her Chakra's where blocked. The Root, Solar Plexus, her Heart Chakra and her Throat Chakra. I was not able to fully clear them and she was feeling a fair amount of discomfort so I will have to do a few extra sessions with her.

After the Reiki is over, I asked her why she was ripping her tops off when she got spooked earlier and she explained that she assumed the tap came from my father-in-law and was worried that it connected to her because she was wearing my house coat.

We decided to ask if it was in fact my father-in-law that was visiting that evening. So I asked using the body compass method. Body compass is a method that resemble a lot to utilizing a pendulum but instead of the pendulum, it's your body that sways.

If you would like to try it, stand tall. take a few deep breath, (just like when card reading I start by asking for support and assistance from my guides, angels, and spiritual team. I also surround in a white light for protection). With your eyes closed ask, "Show me the answer for yes" my yes pushes me backwards. "Show me the answer for no" my no pushes me forward. Finally, "Show me the answer for can't answer and I don't know" for me this is a side to side swaying motion.

So, I asked if it was a spirit visiting that tapped on my sisters back. - YES -  Was it my father-in-law.. -No- Was it a relative of mine? -YES- was it my grandfather on my mother's side -NO- Was is my grandfather on my father's side? -YES-

I explained to my sister that it was our grandfather. Her eyes got big and she seemed uncomfortable. I asked

Me: Doesn't that make it better?
Sister: No!! I wanted it to be your father-in-law!
Me: Why?
Sister: Because that way it's connected to you, not me. Our grandfather might follow me to my home!!

Insert more laugh here.

My grandfather, Merel, passed away from a heart attack at the age of 50. I would have been four or five years old, my sister would have been two at the most. She doesn't remember him but the memories I do have of him, he was always teasing and tickling us. I think he would have enjoyed her reaction!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Even If It's Meant To Be, Doesn't Mean It's Going To Be Easy

I did a reading for a gentleman today who wanted to inquire about his crush, if there was any hope there.

So I went through my collection of spreads, I've put together a compilation of the spreads I've used the most in a booklet that can be printed and used as a handout for face to face reading or as journaling (click on the image to obtain a copy). That's when I realized I didn't have a new love spread in my compilation. I've being married for 16 years now, so I guess new love simply isn't on my mind.

New Romance Spread was then added to my compilation book.

  1. How interested is she/he?
  2. What does this person think about me?
  3. How will the flow of communication be with this person?
  4. What do I need to know about this romance?
  5. Outcome; Where is this romance headed?
For this particular reading I added a sixth card for timing. This is the timing indication I have been using with the tarot card.

Wands                            days
Cups                               weeks
Pentacles                        months
Page                               11
Knight                            12
Queens                           Wands and Cups 13
Kings                              Wands and Cups 14
Queens                           Swords and Pentacles: the oracle
Kings                              Silence about the point in time
Swords                            The time, starting now
Major Arcana The hours starting from now (0 = Now)

This was an interesting reading. This poor guy has his work cut out for him.

 He said this reading really resonated for him. He has hope but know it will take dedication and work on his part to make it happen. Buddy I wish you the best of luck!

Monday, 19 December 2016

The Wheels Go Round

Tarot Rebel Blog Hop time! Yay just in time for Christmas. Click on the badge to see the other blogs entered for this hop.

This month the topic is on the Wheel Of Fortune card, the tenth of the Major Arcana cards.

I recently attended a local tarot group, well it was a month or so ago. Recent in the grand scheme of things. We were a group of readers, all gathered together and talking about our tarot readings experiences. That evening we ended up doing a "Fool's Journey" looked at each Major Arcana cards in order and discussed it's meaning.

The Wheel Of Fortune card represents cycle and change. Life is a series of ups and downs and this card indicates that such a change is coming. What was, will be again, and what is will once again come around. Like a wheel, going round and round.

Key words: Inevitability, Luck, Timing, Turning point, Destiny

I think this is a great card for the winter solstice. To me this time of year definitely signifies a change. Our days have been getting shorter and shorter (mostly here in Canada) but the wheel is changing and we are heading toward longer and longer days. It's a time of hopes and dreams.

I came across a Winter Solstice Spread I thought I would share with you. I cannot take credit for this spread as I did not create it. You can find the original link here.

Bodhran's/BodhiSeed's Winter Solstice Spread:

1. The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. Sometimes our lives feel so "dark" we forget to look up and see the stars (blessings) in our life. What do I need to be grateful for that I've taken for granted?
2. "Solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" and "sistere" which roughly translates to "sun stands still." If our ancestors stood still, and failed to prepare for the hardest part of winter yet to come, they would die. What do I need to take action on? What plans or preparations do I need to make?
3. Winter, like the other seasons, occurs because of the tilt of the earth. In what direction is my intuition "tilting" or leading me in a situation where a decision needs to be made?
4. After the Winter Solstice, the nights become shorter and the days become longer. What is growing stronger (perhaps something I had given up on) in my life?
***NOTE***You can use an orange stone, a sphere, etc. in the center of the spread so you don't have to take out the Sun card if you prefer.

For my own reading I ended up using an Orange Calcite crystal for the center of my spread. This stone is related to the sacral chakra.

Let me know how this spread worked out for you.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Tapping Into The Divined Energy

Yesterday, I attended an event my friend was hosting all day and I provided readings to her guests.

When I do readings, I always follow a ritual connecting me to the divine, grounding me to the earth and protecting me by the archangels. While I read the top of my head tingles. The more I connect the more it tingles. I'm constantly scratching at my head. It's not painful or unpleasant but I can definitely feel the energy pulsing from my crown chakra.

I shared this experience with other readers and asked what physical sensation they felt while reading and a large portion of them described the weariness and tiredness they will feel after readings. From what I understand the larger the reading and/or the more quantity of readings they do, the wearier they feel. Many also described getting a headache.

It surprised me since I have never experience that from doing my readings. I started asking everyone about the ritual prior to starting their reading to see if there was a difference.

Was there ever! So far, everyone who commented about tiredness and headaches admitted that they did not have a ritual, or if they did it was a short one that didn't include anything with reaching to the divine.

So, let me share my ritual.


I don't smudge every time I do a reading, but if I'm in a new environment and if I am allowed, I will sage the space. While I smudge I ask my angels and guides to clear the energy in the space and ask that only positive and healing energy is allowed back into the space. I will proceed to smudge my equipment, crystals, tarot decks, the reading table. I will also sage myself to clear my energy and keep my ego at bay.

If I am in an area where I can not sage, for example in a hotel room, I have a blessing spray. It doesn't always has to be Sage, if the smell doesn't appeal to you, you can try Sweetgrass, Cedar, or Lavender.

Using a smudging feather is not required, but I like to. I find the more you respect the ritual, the better it will work, and having designated tools, such as the feather or the see shell to hold the sage, shows a higher level of respect. Keep in mind, when I first started, I was using a pie tin.

All of the products I shared for smudging is from a shop local to me; Delree's Native Art Gallery.


This exercise was actually shown to me when I was studying for my Reiki level one. While taking in deap cleansing breath, imagine a cord of white light connecting from the top of your head (Crown Chakra) up to the sky as my connection to the divine. Continuing with my breathing I then imagine roots sprouting from my feet deep into the ground. Connecting me to the hearth. This ritual grounds me and connects me to the divine energy. Because of this, when I do my readings I take the energy from the divine as oppose to depleting my own energy. This is part of the ritual that will keep me from feeling drained, in fact I may end the reading re-energized.

Energy Clearing:

When I start a new reading I will hold my deck in my non dominant hand and knock on it with my dominant hand. This knock the energy from a previous reading out of the deck so that we may start with a blank slate. Some people, when doing this, will feel the energy travel through their palm in their non dominant hand. If reading reversal I will then lay the cards onto my reading surface and spread them around. Gather them back together and then shuffle.

Connection & Protection Prayer:

It's while I am shuffling that I do my prayer. You can do this out loud or in your head. There are pros and cons for both. If you say this quietly in your head, it's my personal experience that the person sitting in front of you will start talking to you. Silence makes people uncomfortable. It's easy to lose your train of thought then. Out loud, depending on the person sitting in front of you and of their belief, you may feel a little silly. I've gotten over it, since I would end up having to explain why I'm quiet anyways. This is the prayer that I say...
I call upon my angels and my guides to be in contact with (insert querent's name here)'s angels and guides. May you provide a clear and accurate reading. I also call upon archangel Michael to please protect this reading in white light so that only divine messages may come through"
I also use a version of this prayer when reading for myself. I normally do this prayer with my eyes closed. When I ask for the white light to surround me, I can actually see behind my eyes, the white descend down and surround me.

Cord Cutting & Shielding:

When we read for someone, we really connect with them. Because of this a cord might form between us attaching us to their energy. There issues is not for us to bare so it's important that we  clear ourselves from those connections from time to time. I visited with a medium friend of mine a short while ago who had to remind me of that. I was carrying twenty-four cords with me. This can drain you, make sure you release that. You can cut cords in a few ways, With your intention and praying to Archangel Michael to cut these cords for you. Visualize him using his sword and doing this. I like to use a sharped edge crystal, I believe the one I use is black tourmaline. While I do my prayer asking to release me of those cords I will wave this crystal back and forth around me from head to toe visualizing these cords snapping off of me. The white light of protection I ask for during my connection prayer is a shield. It protects the querent, the reading, and myself from external energies. Only divine is allowed in. But sometimes you may need extra protection from the querent if they are in a dark place. In this case I would visualize a white bubble tightly around me. My son prefers to form a tank around himself, a friend told me she puts on an Iron man suit. Make sure to visualize this from above your head to below your toes.

Then, for the next reading, rinse and repeat.

I hope this is helpful for you, I would love to hear about your rituals. If you haven't been doing these rituals previously, let me know if they help going forward.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Was It More Than A Dream?

Sent the kids to school this morning and got back to bed for about an hour. During that lovely sleep I had a dream.

I was working an event, just like I do for my work. At one point my husband and two boys had arrived and stayed with me. I was on lunch and we were browsing around a store. My oldest was being a little snippy as pre-teens can be. I was about to go back to work so I hugged my youngest and kissed his head and did the same with the oldest although he tried avoiding my kiss.

It wasn't until I was back in the now empty room that I notice there was an other little boy following me. I knew he had been following me all along. He was so little, every time he would catch up to me he would grab my legs and kiss my knees. That's what he could reach because he was so little. He would never look up at me but I could feel the love radiating from him. Once I notice him, I stopped and sat in front of him and said: "I'm sorry honey, I didn't realize you where there" and I peppered his head with kissed while he continued kissing my knees. I could feel the joy that gave him and the love he returned. I never say his face, he never looked up.

I woke up, wondering who that third kid was, and instantly thought of my first pregnancy. After I got married I got pregnant. I shouted it to the world. Everyone knew almost as soon as I did. During that first week of me knowing I was pregnant (I would have been five or six weeks along only) I miscarriage. Had I not taken a pregnancy test I might never have known I was pregnant. I still felt the lost of that baby, everyone was so caring which almost made it worst. I snapped out of it, and carried on and not long after I was pregnant again with my first born.

So I got out of bed and pulled out my pendulum and asked if this had been more than a dream? YES. What it my child visiting me? YES

So I decided to do a tarot reading using the Hello From Heaven spread.

  1. Main Theme
  2. Main Challenge
  3. How You Connected
  4. The Karma You Collected
  5. How You Did
  6. How the Deceased Sees You Now
  7. How They Did
  8. What is Left to Transform
  9. What Gift You Get to Keep

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Should I, Shouldn't I

Well I may have a new favorite spread in my tool box. I did a reading for a gentleman that has being dissatisfied with his workplace for some time now and has being contemplating whether he should leave.

So I looked through some spreads to see which one would feel the most accurate and I came across the "Should I, Shouldn't I" spread at

1-3 - What may happen if you do what your contemplating
4-6 - What may happen if you maintain the status quo
7 - Outcome if the change is made
8 - Outcome if the change is not made
9 - What you need to know before deciding.

In this particular reading neither options sounded great, but I loved that the final card hinted that some preparation and planning needed to take place first.

"M" is for Mysterious

Have you ever being asked to do a reading for a very cryptic topic? Happens to me from time to time. I am the type of reader that likes to match the spread to the reading, so when I get a very vague question for the reading, it definitely adds a level of complexity.

Out comes the pendulum. I select a few spread, that could potentially work and then let the pendulum pick which one I will use. I trust that way that the true question will be answered.

During my last reading I was asked "Will "M" have an open mind?" I don't know who M is or the relationship to the person asking, could be the same person for all I know :) and I do not know what the Open Mind is in relations to.

The spread that was selected was The Law Of Attraction Spread.

Sometimes I am left in suspense wondering if the reading rang true, I trust the cards will deliver but I still wonder. Cardes was gracious enough to give me immediate feedback so no wondering in this case. This is what he/she had to say

"M is not usually a closed minded person but that depends of the subjects but this one I am introducing Is out of the box for m. This reading gives me hope. 

OK the feedback:Presentation : a 10 I loved the video, really cool (what app did you use?) Timeliness:10Was appropriate:9Depth:9Innovation: 10Really enjoy the reading and like it was a video I felt it like it was More personal."
Love it when the Tarot delivers.

About my videos, It is not an app (I wish, would be so much easier) it's a combination of different programs I use.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

3 Card Spread Challenge #10

Challenge time!! I decided to dust off my Green Witch Tarot deck for this challenge. I don't know why I haven't used it more, this deck is beautiful. With the holiday just around the corner, this deck seems fitting since the back looks like a Christmas wreath.

For this challenge the three card spread that we got was:
"The unexpected events to come / The positive opportunities that are just around the corner / What you can take home, the outcome for the coming months"

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Understanding The Now With The Past

Our past in important, the experience we had reflect strongly on how we react to new situation. This is still true when referring to past lives. The experience that had big impact in those lives has a ripple effect in our current life. Having an understanding where  those "gut reaction" comes from can help us have better control of our current life.

I've had the Past Life Oracle card from Doreen Virtue for quite a while now. They are absolutely stunning. When reading with them, they will either appeal or displease the querent depending on the experience in that lifetime. I now read these cards along with a tarot deck to get more information on that particular past life, mostly when doing remote readings (when the querent is not present). I also started included the Soul's Journey Life Lesson Card to provide more insight.

In this spread I pull three card representing three past lives, next to it I will pull three life lesson cards indicating the life lesson your soul was working on during that past life. I also pull a life lesson card to see which lesson your soul is working on in this current life. I then pull two tarot cards for each past life to provide more information on that particular past life.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Spread It Up

I am a big fan of spreads when reading tarot cards. I know a lot of readers like to pull three cards and add to it if they feel the need. They do get great results with that technique. Tarot cards are adaptable that way.

I personally like a more structured reading. I plan my spreads ahead of the reading. I find it gives my cards a stronger voice. One card can now have many different interpretations.

Let me show you what I mean. I am a member of different tarot readers group on Facebook. Readers will often share a picture of their 3 cards and ask the other members for their take on the reading without associating a position to any cards.

So imagine this was the picture shared. How would you read it without a spread?

"You are facing some disagreement and adversity, but you have good friends around you. You are looking at things from a new perspective. Give in or let go."

But what if if was a Past-Present-Future spread?

"You were in a disagreement and your belief where challenged and felt you had to defend your position. Things worked out and you are now celebrating. But it will be important not to gloat and let the issue go. Take the time to see things in a new perspective."

If the spread was You Now - To Avoid - To Embrace.

"You are facing some disagreements and adversity. This is not the time to take things lightly be careful who is surrounding you and where you get your advice from. You will need to see things from a new point of view and be prepared to let things go to get the best resolution."

All the same cards, but when in the context of different spreads they are saying different things. There cards when applied to a different spread can have a multitude of different meaning.

It's my personal belief that a well crafted and selected spread will reveal the most insight. Hence my fascination with spreads.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

3 Card Spread Challenge #9

Challenge time!!!

I do enjoy doing these challenges. It makes me look a different cards in a different light.

For this challenge the spread we got was

" What the universe wants you to be / The personal qualities required / Specific action required "

Once again, I used the Gilded Tarot for this reading (I really need to dust off some of my other decks) and once the again, the cards really delivered. This reading couldn't have matched the person it was for any more.

I look forward to seeing your take on this spread.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Hope & Devastation

A Facebook group that I am part of, Tarot Rebel, posted a spread for the members to all use on the same subject. We did it with the outcome of the 2016 USA election which I shared here I did that reading along with my 3 Card Challenge Spreads. This one is the Hope & Devastation Spread for what is to come following this election.

This reading definitely concentrated more on the financial aspect of the situation. Which, as an investor, really resonates with me the most.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go ??

This reading was for a friend named Sylvie. She is facing a decision and wasn't sure how to choose between whether she should move to a new town or if she should stay put.

For this reading I decided to use the Choices, Choices! spread.

1- The basis of the choice
2- Why this choice is difficult
3- The relative importance of the choice
4-6 - The necessary steps and/or likely issues that may turn up by making
choice 1
7- The likely outcome if this choice is made
8-10 - The necessary steps and/or likely issues that may turn up by making choice 2
11- The likely outcome if this choice is made

Making a choice that will affect the whole family is never easy. Good luck with this decision Sylvie.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

3 Card Spread Challenge #8

If you have been following this challenge you will have noticed a gap since challenge #7. Main reason is that my boys had a cold. When they are sick, they are especially snugly... which is my biggest weakness when it comes to my kids and they sure know it. So I snuggled the cold right out of them and into me.

I can't say that I felt that miserable but my voice was pretty much non existent. Which makes making video's a little tricky.

Now, my voice is mostly back, I may still have to stay off the karaoke for a few more days.

Today's challenge spread was Context of the situation / Where you need to focus / Outcome

Since today is a big day in the USA and this spread was directed towards a situation I decided to do my reading about the US election. Keep in mind I am canadian and have not been following up very closely on this election.

Monday, 7 November 2016

So Many Choices

I did a reading for my friend Warren today. He is currently dealing with dissatisfaction and his contemplating whether he should entertain the idea of big changes in his life. He doesn't have any strong ties that are currently holding him back. He's in a place in his life where, should he choose, he could have big changes in his life.

He asked for a reading to provide more clarity on whether he should contemplate changing career/job. Or maybe even moving to a new city altogether.

For this reading I used the choice spread that is shared on the Tarot Spread book by Barbara Moore. I do some minor modification to accommodate tree choice options instead of only two.

Choice A - Keeping things as is
Choice B - New career/job
Choice C - Relocate to a new city

1- Your general attitude towards your choices
2 - 4 - Points regarding choice A (Stay As Is)
5 - 7 - Points regarding choice B (New Career/Job)
8 - 10 - Points regarding choice C (New City)

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Death.... Oh No

Click on this badge to access this Blog Hop

The thirteenth card in the major arcana of a tarot deck is the DEATH card. This is a pretty ominous sounding card. DEATH.... of course when I say this I use my spookiest most ominous voice. Try it... DEATH... So spooky.

This card as made many new readers nervous. How do I explain the death card to my querent?

When I do a reading, I ask my angels and guides to provide a positive reading, this being said I do not expect for every cards to be positive, I want my querent to get the proper information for them to get the best results for their reading. I find it is important to read the negative of a reading so that the querent is fully equiped to positively impact their life. If I have strayed from my path, I want to know so that I may realign myself or prep myself for what may be coming.

The death card is the most feared card in the tarot deck because it is the most misunderstood. Traditionally the Death card shows a skeleton in armor riding a white horse with a black banner with a white flower on the center.

The Gilded Tarot shows many of the same symbols but in a more zoomed in view.

The Green Witch Tarot has renamed the Death card, as with most of the major arcana cards in that deck and changed the imagery but it still captures the same ominous feeling.

Doreen Virtue in her Archangel Power Tarot deck decided to remove the Death card altogether and replaced it by Peace. That is one way of dealing with avoiding a negative feeling for this card.

I know some tarot readers that opted to simply remove that card from their deck but I do not think this is necessary. I encourage you do not in fact. If you learn to interpret the Death card properly, there really is no reason to fear it.

Right side up: 
The death card represents big changes, a period of ending and new beginning. A cleansing and purifying time. A significant transformation is taking place.

I still interpret this card as a period of change and transformation when this card is shown in a reverse position but there is resistance. The querent is holding on to what was and is not letting this change happen as it should.

I read with the basic card meaning and then let intuition lead the way so in some reading, the Death card may take on new nuance but generally this is how I see this card.

In one of my latest reading, I was doing a Mystic Seven Spread regarding the start of a new business. The Death card showed up in a reversed position for the obstacle card. For this lady, the obstacle with her new business will be to do the changes that her new business would require for her to be successful. She's resisting these changes and isn't fully sold on the concept that have been presented to her. No actual death here.

This post was created for the purpose of a blog hop I joined with the Tarot Rebel group. Be sure to check out the post of my fellow bloggers regarding the Death card.

Sometimes It's Not Meant To Be

During a reading exchange I read for to see if she would get pregnant again. I ended up doing a Pregnancy and Fertility spread. I know, I know, an other massive spread. I like to use detailed spread in my readings, I find this reveals more in the different aspect of the question for the querent.

This particular spread was designed to have grouping of cards for different topics. Please note I did not design this particular spread. I found this one on website.

1-3 Her overall health and well being
4-6 His overall health and well being
7-8 Advice regarding 1-3
9-10 Advice regarding 4-6
11 How the soul about to incarnate feel about the prospect
12-14 Most likely outcome
15-16 Environmental factors that could affect conception in first half of time period
17-18 Environmental factors that could affect conception during second half of time period

Shortly after this reading I found out that Brianne was pregnant. Not too long after that, she contacted me to informed me she has miscarried. She pointed out that her reading had mentioned there could be a miscarriage as a reader herself she appreciated the accuracy of the reading. It's amazing how much the cards can see sometimes. In this case we would have preferred to have been wrong.

Monday, 17 October 2016

What's in a Life... or Two

Today I exchanged readings with Eve. She didn't have a question in mind and asked for a general reading. So I decided to have fun with it. I've been wanting to practice working on spreads using more then just one deck so I ended up doing a past life reading.

For this spread I used the Past Life Oracle cards and the Gilded Tarot deck for further clarification.

This was Eve's response to her reading
"Wow Thankyou that's very interesting I can understand that about the arts and this like affecting mine now I get that cus I just recently had a couple of singing lessons out of the blue and love musical theatre. The spose card I can understand cus my husband and I clicked when we met & I've always believed we may have shared previous lives together. The spirituality and religion card makes sense as I grew up being believing in God and was more of a Christian now I am a spiritualist and medium and have changed learnt and grown with this. Very interesting thanks again xx"
This is definitely a spread I will use again and a reading I would love to practice some more. Anyone need a past life reading?

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Shielding and Cutting Cords

After my oldest son had first approached me about his abilities and we had met with a medium that could provide him more guidance.

Months later my boy came home from school really upset, asking to not having to go back to school the next day. We sat and had a heart to heart talk to get to the heart of the matter. We talked for hours. And all I could find out was that his friend had gotten upset with an other little boy. His buddy had being really upset and had being crying. I ask if the other little boy had upset him as well, and to this he said no. It was his buddy that had gotten upset.


So why was he so upset now refusing to go back to school?

The next day, I sent him to school and it was fine. But before the end of the week he comes home again. More upset than ever. Refusing to go back to school again. I told him he had to go to school. With tears in his eyes he pleaded for me to allow him a few days before going back.

What is going on??

From the conversation of that day I found out the music teacher had gotten upset and yelled at the class as most where not listening. I asked if he was upset that the teacher yelled at him. He said no, the didn't wasn't yelling at him specifically since he had being listening.

I decided to contact the medium and connect with her again. She agreed to do a reiki session with him and see if she could shed some light. So I did keep him home for a few days so we could meet with her.

When we got there, he laid down on a massage table and she started the test his chakras and look for blockage. She started with the crown chakra. She told my son to let her know when he could feel her. She rubbed her hands together to build up the energy and  palm toward his head she started to move it towards his head. Almost right away he said that he could feel her. She looked up at me with a startled expression mouthing the words "Oh My God!!!" The she said, he's gotten stronger since I last saw him.

After the reiki session was over, we discussed the issues he was dealing with. She agreed with my assumption that he's being absorbing the other kids pain. In the first meeting we had with her she had said that he would be a healer. Now she is explaining that when people around him hurt he absorbs the brunt of their pain from them because he knows he can shoulder it. But then he's got all of that hurt that is not his own and can't release it.

So she suggested my son learns how to shield and to cut cords.

When shielding, my son needs to envision a white light surrounding him. She suggested he visualize something that would represent power and protection to him. She was hinting at a super hero cape, but my son, being who he is, opted for a tank. So he needs to visualize a tank surrounding him, made of white light, very powerful and protective. He should ask Archangel Michael to assist him with this. I can also help shielding him by visualizing the same shield around him. She said while shielded he can still help his classmates but instead of absorbing their pain, it will bounce off his shield.

She also recommended that he cuts the cord to the people he's come in contact with throughout the day. To help do this she gave him a large black ragged edged crystal, I believe it's a black tourmaline. So he his to visualize the cords connecting him to the people he was with and use the crystal to cut off the cords starting from around his head down to his toes. She recommended he also help cut my cords connecting me to the people I had been in contact with and the same with my husband.

He still doesn't love school, which kid does. But he's no longer burdened by the energy and pain of those around him.

I also use shielding in my readings for protection. Before I do a reading during my prayer I ask Archangel Michael to surround me in white light to protect my reading so that only divined messages come through. When I do this with my eyes closed, I "see" the white drop all around me.

When do you shield or cut cords?

Friday, 14 October 2016

Three Card Challenge Spread #7

Well I am on the road for work this weekend. I must say, I love my work!! I travel across North America aiding in teaching investing strategies.

Staying in hotel rooms does make recording my readings more complicated. I do still travel with a deck or two. I also can't really burn sage or candles in a hotel room so I use my Sweetgrass Blessing Spray. I feel reading in a hotel room where multi people stay in the same room at different times could use a cleansing most of all.

The spread for this challenge was "What conflict am I facing in my life / What solution can I find / What will be the resolution of making this charge."

For this spread I used my Gilded Tarot spread.

  1. The Hanging Man Reversed
  2. Ace of Swords Reversed
  3. The Hierophant
The querent is dealing with delays and indecision. Not sure what the best step she should take next. If would be best if she tried to get more clarity on the situation. This will help have everything come together. 

I'll had the video at a later time when I'm back home in my serene space.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Three Card Spread Challenge #6

Well we are fighting fear with this challenge. The spread that was drawn for this challenge was
"Fears / How to fight them / Likely outcome"
Lovely subject! I do, however, love the message that this reading provided which was not to ignore your worry, they won't go away on it's own... or at least in this situation.

My Gilded Tarot deck was starting to feel a little neglected so I decided to use that deck for this reading. I must say I love reading with pretty decks.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Three Card Spread Challenge #5

I found this challenge trickier from the other ones. The spread that was drawn was
Your conscious mind / Your subconscious mind / Your super-conscious mind

First thing I had to do was find out what super-conscious means. I found an article online that explained the different level on consciousness. You can find the full article here.
The levels of consciousness are: subconscious, conscious, and super-conscious.
The conscious mind is what we operate with during our daily activities and waking hours. It represents only a small portion of our consciousness and awareness.
The subconscious mind, lies below the level of conscious awareness. Its physical seat in the body is the lower brain and the spine. It records everything we do: every activity we engage in, our thoughts about those activities, our likes and dislikes about what we encounter each day. Although nothing is forgotten by the subconscious mind, for the most part this part of our consciousness remains hidden from our everyday awareness. The subconscious has a tremendous influence on how we think and act when in the conscious state.
The super-conscious mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees both material reality and also the energy and consciousness behind that reality.
If we have a really good meditation and feel “fully calm” as you have stated, then we are beginning to experience a level of super-consciousness. As we go deeper in meditation and experience a deepening peace, calmness, divine love, and even bliss, then we are experiencing deeper levels of the super-conscious. The super-conscious is where true creativity is found. Expressions of this kind of creativity are distinctive from those that come from the subconscious. The super-conscious is where ideas for truly great works of art, music, prose, poetry, great scientific discoveries, and deep spiritual experiences are found.

Well now that that's all cleared up, Let pull the cards.

  1. Your conscious mind - 6 The Lady and The Lord
  2. Your subconscious mind - Four of Chalices reversed
  3. Your super-conscious mind - Three of Chalices reversed 

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Protect My Heart

I did a love spread in the past for a gentleman. The spread had said to take a break from the hunt for true love and allow it to come to him. You can view the post from his last reading here, but here is the video of that specific reading we did last time.

Since that reading, his ex fiancee contacted him again to reconnect. So things got confusing. On the one side it's an ex, and she became an ex for a reason. On the other side, is this what the card meant when the last reading said to let love come to him?

So we did a relationship spread to shed some light on the situation. The relationship spread is a fifteen card spread.

  1. What you provide to the relationship.
  2. Where you stand in the present.
  3. Where you hope to stand in the future.
  4. What they are hoping for.
  5. Where they stand in thee present.
  6. What they provide to relationship.
  7. How the other person is viewed.
  8. How the other person views you.
  9. How you perceived you in the past.
  10. How they perceived you in the past.
  11. Your present fears and doubts.
  12. Their present fear and doubts.
  13. External influence motivating you.
  14. External influence motivating them.
  15. The future of the relationship. 

Warren commented that this reading really resonated with him. His ex as just divorced and is looking at having to sell some assets. Confusion as been lifted, better protect your heart from this one my friend.

Three Card Challenge #4

Our guides work in mysterious ways. I drew for the next spread of the Three Card Spread Challenge. The spread that was picked was...
What am I thankful for / How can I show this gratitude for myself / How can I share my gratitude with others

Now in Canada, where I live, it's Thanksgiving weekend. This is the perfect spread for today.

For this spread I used the Green Witch Tarot deck. It's my newest deck and I'm still excited to use it.

I would love to see your reading on this spread. Share your picture of video on the Divined Solutions Facebook page.