Saturday, 15 October 2016

Shielding and Cutting Cords

After my oldest son had first approached me about his abilities and we had met with a medium that could provide him more guidance.

Months later my boy came home from school really upset, asking to not having to go back to school the next day. We sat and had a heart to heart talk to get to the heart of the matter. We talked for hours. And all I could find out was that his friend had gotten upset with an other little boy. His buddy had being really upset and had being crying. I ask if the other little boy had upset him as well, and to this he said no. It was his buddy that had gotten upset.


So why was he so upset now refusing to go back to school?

The next day, I sent him to school and it was fine. But before the end of the week he comes home again. More upset than ever. Refusing to go back to school again. I told him he had to go to school. With tears in his eyes he pleaded for me to allow him a few days before going back.

What is going on??

From the conversation of that day I found out the music teacher had gotten upset and yelled at the class as most where not listening. I asked if he was upset that the teacher yelled at him. He said no, the didn't wasn't yelling at him specifically since he had being listening.

I decided to contact the medium and connect with her again. She agreed to do a reiki session with him and see if she could shed some light. So I did keep him home for a few days so we could meet with her.

When we got there, he laid down on a massage table and she started the test his chakras and look for blockage. She started with the crown chakra. She told my son to let her know when he could feel her. She rubbed her hands together to build up the energy and  palm toward his head she started to move it towards his head. Almost right away he said that he could feel her. She looked up at me with a startled expression mouthing the words "Oh My God!!!" The she said, he's gotten stronger since I last saw him.

After the reiki session was over, we discussed the issues he was dealing with. She agreed with my assumption that he's being absorbing the other kids pain. In the first meeting we had with her she had said that he would be a healer. Now she is explaining that when people around him hurt he absorbs the brunt of their pain from them because he knows he can shoulder it. But then he's got all of that hurt that is not his own and can't release it.

So she suggested my son learns how to shield and to cut cords.

When shielding, my son needs to envision a white light surrounding him. She suggested he visualize something that would represent power and protection to him. She was hinting at a super hero cape, but my son, being who he is, opted for a tank. So he needs to visualize a tank surrounding him, made of white light, very powerful and protective. He should ask Archangel Michael to assist him with this. I can also help shielding him by visualizing the same shield around him. She said while shielded he can still help his classmates but instead of absorbing their pain, it will bounce off his shield.

She also recommended that he cuts the cord to the people he's come in contact with throughout the day. To help do this she gave him a large black ragged edged crystal, I believe it's a black tourmaline. So he his to visualize the cords connecting him to the people he was with and use the crystal to cut off the cords starting from around his head down to his toes. She recommended he also help cut my cords connecting me to the people I had been in contact with and the same with my husband.

He still doesn't love school, which kid does. But he's no longer burdened by the energy and pain of those around him.

I also use shielding in my readings for protection. Before I do a reading during my prayer I ask Archangel Michael to surround me in white light to protect my reading so that only divined messages come through. When I do this with my eyes closed, I "see" the white drop all around me.

When do you shield or cut cords?

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