Friday, 14 October 2016

Three Card Challenge Spread #7

Well I am on the road for work this weekend. I must say, I love my work!! I travel across North America aiding in teaching investing strategies.

Staying in hotel rooms does make recording my readings more complicated. I do still travel with a deck or two. I also can't really burn sage or candles in a hotel room so I use my Sweetgrass Blessing Spray. I feel reading in a hotel room where multi people stay in the same room at different times could use a cleansing most of all.

The spread for this challenge was "What conflict am I facing in my life / What solution can I find / What will be the resolution of making this charge."

For this spread I used my Gilded Tarot spread.

  1. The Hanging Man Reversed
  2. Ace of Swords Reversed
  3. The Hierophant
The querent is dealing with delays and indecision. Not sure what the best step she should take next. If would be best if she tried to get more clarity on the situation. This will help have everything come together. 

I'll had the video at a later time when I'm back home in my serene space.

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