Saturday, 24 September 2016

How Psychic Are You?

My main motivation for getting involved with this path is for my son. It's because of him that I have been learning about all of this. So that I may be better equipped to help him. I've giving him the tools to make the choices that is right for him, and conversation is open.. He's decided to block it. I respect his choice and above all I want him to enjoy just being a kid, but I am also worried that denying that part of him will manifest in other parts of his life in negative ways.

I came across a spread on Pintrest that I decided to try for myself.

I did this reading for myself and then one for my son. Here is my take on those reading. (Since I was reading for myself I didn't video this reading)


  1. What are the blocks to my psychic abilities (three of sword) There is a separation. I am not fully open to these abilities.
  2. What changes must I make to improve my psychic abilities (three of pentacles - reversed) It must come from within. I've been doing classes and reading lots of books, but ultimately it must come from within.
  3. Where do my psychic talents lie (nine of cups) Contentment. I am content and ok with the extent of my abilites.
  4. How will my psychic abilities manifest (page of cups) A messenger. Creative beginning. I view royals as people when reading tarot, this one would represents me. A page because I am at limited beginning stages
  5. Do I have enough faith in myself (two of pentacles - reversed) In it's upright position this card means balance. In this reversed position it's telling me i am not consistent in my self-faith.
  6. How will I use my psychic abilities in the future (the moon - reversed) I will use my abilities to help reduce fear, unhappiness and confussion. Which is what tarot does.
  7. What can you expect to benefit from your psychic abilities (nine of wands) Although rewarding and it will provide a lot of personal growth, it is not an easily traveled path. There will be responsibilities that may sometimes weigh on me.
  8. Final outcome (king of wands - reversed) I may have higher expectation then I will actually achieve.
  9. Jumper card (page of wands - reversed) I believe this is reflectin my son. I got started on this path when he shared with me about his abilities as a medium and his fears and concerns. We arranged for him to be in connection with an other medium. She showed him how to block his abilities if he wished but urged him to embrace them. He decided to block them. The page to me represents a child or a childish person or view. So this card, to me, is my son. Wands is action, in the reversed position I see this as him with his blocked abilities. So, I decided to thies spread on his.
His reading:

  1. What are the blocks to my psychic abilities (six of sword - reversed) No moving on, carying baggage. In his case he's devying them.
  2. What changes must I make to improve my psychic abilities (five of swords - reversed) He would need to open up to change.
  3. Where do my psychic talents lie (king of wands - reversed) Haste. High expectation. He has access to strong abilities.
  4. How will my psychic abilities manifest (three of wands) Expansion, preparation. If giving the chance, his abilities would show in many diffirent ways.
  5. Do I have enough faith in myself (high priestess - reversed) Need to listen to his inner voice. Devying his abilities.
  6. How will I use my psychic abilities in the future (the world - reversed) Lack of completion. On his current path, he will not accomplish things with his abilities.
  7. What can you expect to benefit from your psychic abilities (two of swords - reversed) Indecision. Confussion. With his abilities blocked, there is a part that will be missing. 
  8. Final outcome (seven of cups - reversed) Illusion. He will start to doubt.

I really wished they made a book "What to expect with your psychic child." 

If you use this spread for yourself, let me know what you get. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work I Want To Go

Like many people in her area, Marie was laid off quite a few months ago. She is now looking for new employment. I ended up doing two reading for her. I wanted to get more insight on the potential outcome. For the first reading I used the Mystic Seven Spread from the book Tarot Bible.

  1. Your current situation
  2. Obstacles
  3. Your aspirations
  4. What needs to be awakened
  5. What lies behind you
  6. The next stage
  7. What will be
For the second reading I used the Past-Present-Future with Options.

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future if you change nothing
  4. Possible future option 1 if you implement the advice of card 5 and 6
  5. Advice for possible future card 4
  6. Advice for possible future card 5
  7. Possible future option 2 if you implement the advice in card 8 and 9
  8. Advice for possible future in card 7
  9. Advice for possible future in card 8

Marie contacted me after her reading. She was in awe at how accurate this reading was for her situation. It represented her current situation exactly.

First Timer

Alida never had a tarot reading before and couldn't think of a topic or a question for her reading. So we did a general reading using a Past-Present-Future spread with the Enchanted Map Oracle cards.

Shortly after I send her the video of the reading she contacted me. She was amazed that the reading resonated with her so much. She had many things going on in her life that the cards described.

We decided to do an other reading. She wanted more information on what is to come. So we did a Aspiration and Goal Spread. This time using the Rider-Waite deck.

  1. Current Objective
  2. Talents or Skills
  3. Pitfalls
  4. Support
  5. Potential
  6. Your Inner Strength
  7. This Promises Progress
  8. The Force That Will be with You
  9. The Outcome

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Mr. Right? Where Are You?

Amante is ready for love, yet it's just not coming to her. Her question was "What is blocking my Mr. Right. Why haven't we met each other yet?"

I did the "How Do I Find Love?" spread from the Tarot Bible book. This is a six-card spread.

  1. You now
  2. The kind of love you need
  3. What you must express
  4. What you must give
  5. What you must take
  6. How you will find love

Friday, 16 September 2016

Baby Time?

Victoria wants to know if she will have a child and other information on the matter that the tarot cards can provide. So I did a little bit a digging looking for that perfect spread. I can across a forum chat that had a lady looking for something similar. She ended up creating a spread for it called The Pregnancy Prediction Flower, and I ended up utilizing her spread. Thank you Jane.

This spread is MASSIVE. It is a thirteen card spread and we had a jumper as well. I see jumper as special or additional information our angels and guides wishes for us to know.

  1. Subconscious reason why you want to become pregnant
  2. What will pregnancy make you feel
  3. How will you grow during the pregnancy
  4. When are you most likely to become pregnant
  5. How will pregnancy affect your life
  6. How will pregnancy affect your relationship
  7. How will pregnancy affect your partner
  8. What will the pregnancy bring to your life at that moment
  9. Is it the right time to become pregnant
  10. How will be the experience of childbirth
  11. How will you feel after the birth of my child
  12. What will your new life be like with your child
  13. Ultimate thing to consider before becoming pregnant

So Many Options

I did a reading for Sharlene today. She wanted to know what was coming up for her. I decided to use the  Past-Present-Future spread, but one with Options. This spread will show you what will happen if you keep on your current path as well as two potential outcome if she follows the advice the spread shows. Now, as you will see in her reading, sometime the advice is really a caution.

Here is the spread I use. It can be found in the book Tarot Spreads.

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future if you change nothing
  4. Possible future option 1 if you implement the advice of card 5 and 6
  5. Advice for possible future card 4
  6. Advice for possible future card 5
  7. Possible future option 2 if you implement the advice in card 8 and 9
  8. Advice for possible future in card 7
  9. Advice for possible future in card 8
In Sharlene's reading, one of the possible future is not very promising. So the advice cards in her case would be caution cards.

Here is her reading

I really like this spread, it is more dimensional, showing the potential outcome with more depth and more guidance.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

My View On Tarot

I was raised as a catholic, and the religious views on tarot is not always favorable. I couldn't still call myself a practicing catholic, but my faith in god is as strong as ever. I saw a phrase somewhere that describes this very well.
Religion is following the messenger while spirituality is following the message.
I do not believe that tarot is evil, how could it be; it is only a tool. That would be like thinking a hammer is evil. It is not, but if it's used with malefic intent or used carelessly then yes, it could cause harm.

Let me share with you my views on the tarot and the ritual I follow when using them.

It is part of my belief that we have angels and guides around us. They keep us safe and help us stay on track. They communicate with us, but since most of us can not hear them, the message sometimes get lost in translation. The tarot is a tool we can use to better receive these messages. So, it is important to make sure they are the one providing us the message.

Before I start a tarot session I will set up the stage so to speak. I will declutter my desk, remove paper work, computer if I can, dust if needed.

I burn sage (could be sweetgrass) to cleanse the cards, the area (electronic devises if close by), myself and the person getting the reading (if they are present). Nothing too crazy here. The catholic church does the same procedure during their mass. Now, if for some reason I cannot burn the sage (for example if I'm in a hotel room) I also have some blessing spray. At worst, I may have to bypass this step.

Once I was preparing to do a late night tarot reading (my desk is set up in my bedroom) and I burned some sage and cleansed a deck I had not used in quite a while. I didn't think to much of it until it woke my husband. He slept on the couch that night. We now have an agreement that I will not burn sage when he is sleeping in the room. Oops.

I like to have some crystal in my reading space. I always have Selenite, Amethyst, and Tiger Eye with me. Selenite is good for accessing angelic consciousness and higher guidance. It is also a good protective stone to block outside influence, it is often use for making protective grid around the house.

Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It is one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine, giving insight into its true nature, and encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

The Tiger Eye is also a protective stone. It is also good for keeping you grounded and for enhancing psychic abilities.

You can select which ever crystal that appeals to you. I often refer to my book The Crystal Bible to read up on the different crystals.

I also have some candles burning and a scented wax diffuser. I select them by the smells I like. I normally pick something with an earthy smell or maybe what I would describe as a zen smell.

Careful with the open flame, I once set tissue paper on fire. Luckily the sink was not far.

Now it's time to pull out the card. With every new deck I get, I go through a clearing and intention setting ritual. I would also do this with my decks if they have been handled by someone else or if they have been used a lot for many different readings.

I will then hold it in my left hand (non-dominant hand) and place my right hand over and pray that my cards be clear of all negative energies or anything that is not of Divine love. Most guidebook that comes with a deck as a sample prayer for this purpose. See what works for you.

I will flip through each cards making sure I have touched each one. Hold the deck in both my hands and flaring them out. I will hold it over my heart and pray again with my intention for this deck. I normally pray that my cards be used for delivering positive messages for me and for those I read for. Again your guidebook will have some sample prayers.

In between readings I will hold my cards in my left hand (non-dominant for me) and know on them with my right hand to clear the energy from the last reading (some people, like my son, can feel the energy leave the deck). I forgot this step once and it was the only reading I ever had that did not resonate with the querent. Part way through I realized my mistake and when looking at the cards in perspective of the last person I had read for, they made a lot more sense.

It's up to you how you shuffle them. I normally shuffle them as I would any playing cards. If they are reversible card I will first do the "spread them all over the table" shuffle. I shuffle until I sense I want to stop. You can not get this part wrong. Whenever you stop shuffling was when you were meant to stop. For some they will hear of visualize the word STOP.

While I am shuffling, I do a prayer asking for my angels and guides to be in communication with my querent's angels and guides. I ask that they provide a clear and acurate reading and I also call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to surround me in white light so that only divine messages can come through. When I do this last part with my eyes close I can actually see the white light drape down over my vision. During this time I will also read of think of the question that was formulated by the querent.

That is it. That is my ritual. If you have your own reading, please be sure to properly protect it.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Follow Up Reading

When I met Warren for his reading I only had a few decks with me. I promised I would do a past life reading using my Past Life Oracle Cards. So this is me, keeping that promise.

The Past Life Oracle Cards work in different ways. Like other oracle cards, they will share a message. These particular cards are also designed to awaken within us old fragments of memories from past lives.

I did a three card spread for this reading.

  1. At the top this is the past life that is currently having the most impact on his current life.
  2. Secondary past life which is impacting his current life.
  3. Secondary past life which is impacting his current life.

During many past life readings, the baby card as come up when the querent (person the reading is for) had a form of complication in their infancy/child hood. For example, one of the person I was reading for had to have special leg brace as a child. This card may represent Warren's current lifetime as well.

I also did a Life Journey's reading. This should help Warren understand which lesson his soul is working on learning. For this one I did a three card spread.

  1. The lesson is soul is currently working on
  2. What will support him learning this lesson
  3. The next or other major lesson he will need to learn.

When I first for this deck, I wasn't sure if I would be able the resonate with it. The images are very geometric and doesn't seem to assist in the reading. I must say, the vibrant colours are very inviting. This is turning out to be a great deck, 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Tell Me More

I did a reading for a lady named Daphne. She asked to received a general reading, see what messages her angels and guides had for her.

So for this a did a simple Past-Present-Future using The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards.

This reading brought on more questions. So we decided to do a reading to inquire further about the future card. For this clarification reading I did the Mystic Seven Spread.

  1. Your current situation
  2. Obstacles
  3. Your aspiration
  4. What needs to be awakened
  5. What lies behind you
  6. The next stage
  7. What will be

I hope this shed some light on the matter for Daphne.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Let's Dance

Today I did a reading for someone over Facebook, I just find it to be the best practice to improve my reading skills.

Linda wanted to know about a situation that will take place soon with a dance school she is part of. I know right, this is kind of vague, no one really knows what this is about. I love it! Great challenge to see if the cards will still be truthful and accurate.

I ended up selecting the Mystic Seven Spread for this reading from the book The Tarot Bible. This is a seven card spread and I think it will work perfectly for this question.

  1. Your current situation
  2. Obstacles
  3. Your aspiration
  4. What needs to be awakened
  5. What lies behind you
  6. The next stage
  7. What will be

A Writer's Quest

As a training exercise I will reach out to people over Facebook and provide them with a tarot reading. The first time I was curious if it would be possible to read for someone I do not know and have never met.

When I am doing readings face to face, the conversation I have with the querent seems to be part of the reading just as much. When reading for someone who is not there, I have discovered that the reading is just as revealing. I miss out a little on the immediate feedback and I sometime never truly know how they felt about their reading. When I do get feedback, the reading as always being acurate. I have to learn to stop second guessing the divine. It is the divine after all.

For this reading I connected with a lady named Sierra. She wanted to know what she needed to know in order to move forward in her writing/professional life.

For this reading I did the "T.S. Eliot's Poet's and Writers" spread from the book 365 Tarot Spread. This is a seven card spread.

  1. The project at hand
  2. What must I create
  3. What must be expressed
  4. Why is it important for me to do this now?
  5. What will this work help me to uncover?
  6. How can I accomplish my task in the most eloquent way possible?
  7. Focus card: What helps me retain my focus for the entire project?
I always do my readings with my desk and then create the video of what it revealed. So the whole project is not all digital.

Here is her reading.

A Friendship Stronger Than Rejection

Recently, it was brought to Warren's attention that he was an old soul. He has since research the meaning of being an old soul and it as provided him a lot of clarity and validation to his life. As an old soul, he feels he as lost the spark to be excited about life.

Think of it as having worked the same job for twenty years and retirement is just around the corner. It is getting harder to remain engrossed with your work when you know it will be soon over. Let me explain further. Each of our soul as a journey to follow and lessons to live along the way. This helps our soul grow and develop. An old soul has lived many lives and has been on it's journey for a very long time. As a child, an old soul will attain a level a maturity much faster than other kids and may have a hard time either fitting in or having the desire to fit in. An although they may not remember all the experience they have lived, their soul have a feeling of "being there, done that" leaving them unexcited about some of the joys of life. They are nearing the end of their soul's journey on earth and they sense that retirement on earth is near so they lose some of the spark.

Throughout the evening I did three tarot readings for Warren. We started with a general reading using The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards following a simple Past-Present-Future spread.

We proceeded to a more specific reading. Warren has recently terminated a relationship. He also feels that in the last decade or so he as being very unlucky in love. For this reading I used the Rider-Waite deck. I like to use a tarot deck when doing a reading with a more specific question. I find the tarot cards can provide more in depth answers. For this reading I used a "How Do I Find Love?" spread that I found in the book The Tarot Bible.

For his final reading, he wanted to know more about his past lives with his friend. These two have a very unique friendship. They have remained close friends for over ten years now. He as tried to take this friendship to the next level at many times but to no avail. She simply does not feel that way (both of them where at this reading). Regardless of this rejection, their friendship as lasted and remained strong. Warren feels that this attachment is partially due to past lives they shared together and wanted to find out more.

For this reading I used the Unmasking Your Past spread from Before I started the reading, I confirmed that they had shared a past life using my pendulum. I also confirmed the nature of their relationship which was a friendship.

It appears that her excitement to life reignites his old soul and this make him crave her company.

It was a lovely evening and some very interesting readings with Warren.

Sunday, 11 September 2016


The summer my son informed me of his psychic abilities, he avoided sleeping in his room and opted instead for the living room or to sleep with his brother.

I was reading a book on orbs that my mother-in-law had received after taking a course, quite a few years ago, about orbs and how to photograph them. My Son came in a looked at the book and asked what they were. I explained about the orbs, showed him a picture in the book, and asked if he ever seen one. He said no. So I told him "Well these are balls of energy and they float around". To this he said "Oh ya! But they move around a lot." So I said "Well yes, but since this is a picture, we can't see that on here." and then he left loosing interest in our conversation and went back to playing with his brother.

That evening, after everyone was in bed, my eldest was sleeping with my husband, I went into his room and took a video of his room. I could see the orbs on the screen of my phone but I saw nothing to the naked eye. I was shocked by the amount of them. The local medium who had seen my kid had explained that since he is a child who can see ghosts that he attracted a lot of child spirits. After I stopped videoing I heard the voice of a little girl.

Instead of sleeping in his room like I had planned; I slept on the couch that night.

 Please note that my kids had a play date that day and they destroyed the room. There is a mattress cover covering the floor and toys everywhere.

Since that video, we learned how to ask Archangel Michael to shield the room in white  light and to keep all spirits and energy out so that my child can sleep peacefully. We visualized a white wall covering each wall, ceiling, and floor including the doorways. I took an other video after that. There was nothing to see.

My son as never seen the video, I decided not to show him to make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed.

How It All Got Started

I have always had some interest in the divined, spirits, and associated tools such as tarot but that was all it was. Just an interest. Until one day, my eldest son took and odd interest into a show I was watching. This show was of a girl who could see things that her friends couldn't. My kid sat down and asked questions after questions about why she can see, and why the others couldn't and could others also see. Honestly he spoke more then all the dialogue combined from that show.I explained to him that she had special abilities that the others didn't and it was left to that.

The next day, we were drawing in his room and he said to me "Mom, I can see ghosts and I don't like it."

By the way, none of the parenting books I ever came across covers how to handle a comment like that.Although internally I was thinking to myself (WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!....) externally, while continuing to draw I calmly replied "Well Honey, if you can see ghosts it means you have strong abilities, and if you have strong abilities it means you are surrounded by strong angels. If you don't like the ghosts, ask the angels to send them away." In truth I am not sure how to answer him and I am feeling unequipped.

I got the contact for a local medium through someone I knew who had visit her and made an appointment to have my kid meet with her.

When we got there, she asked him a few questions about school and random kid life stuff. Five minutes into it she turned to me and said "Oh Ya!!! The strongest I've seen in a child so far."

Oh Great!

She asked him about what he could see. He saw them in his room which is one of the reason that during that summer he tried to mostly sleep in his brother's room or on the couch. He's seen them at school and other random area. She asked him whether he thought she could see them too, to which he agrees. She asked if he thought my mother-in-law and myself could see them. To which he said no. She asked him if his little brother could see and to that he said "Oh no. He can't see ANYTHING!" She asked if anyone at school could see, and he agree there was one kid in his classroom who could.

My father-in-law had recently passed away and she asked if he sometimes saw or felt him. To which he confirmed. She said "Well he is here now, why don't we all close our eyes and see who can feel him" We sat in silence for a few moments taking deep breath. She then asked "Ok, so who felt him?" and like a good little school boy my eldest put up his hand. I didn't feel a thing. Later that day I asked him how his Papa felt, if it was a tingle. He said "No Mom, it felt like this" and then he placed his hands on my shoulders.

The medium spent some time explaining just how special his gift is and the fulfillment of learning to embrace it. She also showed him how to block it so that he would be empowered to choose for himself.

Before we left, she guided us in an exercise to test our abilities. We closed our eyes, rubbed our hands together, held them far apart and slowly brought them together until we could feel an energy force creating resistance between the hands. At which point we opened our eyes and looked at how far away our hands were. I had my own hands about shoulder width apart and I could feel a pulsing bouncing from one hand to the other. My eldest was in a similar position and my youngest had his hands pressed tightly together.

She looked at me and said "I thought you said you didn't have any abilities?" I replied "Well I don't see ghosts" She told me, "You have pretty powerful abilities yourself, if you ever decide to, you can develop them."

I've been working towards that ever since by reading, learning, taking Tarot Reading courses, Reiki Training and so on. Mostly so that I am better equipped to support my child.