Friday, 16 September 2016

So Many Options

I did a reading for Sharlene today. She wanted to know what was coming up for her. I decided to use the  Past-Present-Future spread, but one with Options. This spread will show you what will happen if you keep on your current path as well as two potential outcome if she follows the advice the spread shows. Now, as you will see in her reading, sometime the advice is really a caution.

Here is the spread I use. It can be found in the book Tarot Spreads.

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future if you change nothing
  4. Possible future option 1 if you implement the advice of card 5 and 6
  5. Advice for possible future card 4
  6. Advice for possible future card 5
  7. Possible future option 2 if you implement the advice in card 8 and 9
  8. Advice for possible future in card 7
  9. Advice for possible future in card 8
In Sharlene's reading, one of the possible future is not very promising. So the advice cards in her case would be caution cards.

Here is her reading

I really like this spread, it is more dimensional, showing the potential outcome with more depth and more guidance.

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