Sunday, 11 September 2016


The summer my son informed me of his psychic abilities, he avoided sleeping in his room and opted instead for the living room or to sleep with his brother.

I was reading a book on orbs that my mother-in-law had received after taking a course, quite a few years ago, about orbs and how to photograph them. My Son came in a looked at the book and asked what they were. I explained about the orbs, showed him a picture in the book, and asked if he ever seen one. He said no. So I told him "Well these are balls of energy and they float around". To this he said "Oh ya! But they move around a lot." So I said "Well yes, but since this is a picture, we can't see that on here." and then he left loosing interest in our conversation and went back to playing with his brother.

That evening, after everyone was in bed, my eldest was sleeping with my husband, I went into his room and took a video of his room. I could see the orbs on the screen of my phone but I saw nothing to the naked eye. I was shocked by the amount of them. The local medium who had seen my kid had explained that since he is a child who can see ghosts that he attracted a lot of child spirits. After I stopped videoing I heard the voice of a little girl.

Instead of sleeping in his room like I had planned; I slept on the couch that night.

 Please note that my kids had a play date that day and they destroyed the room. There is a mattress cover covering the floor and toys everywhere.

Since that video, we learned how to ask Archangel Michael to shield the room in white  light and to keep all spirits and energy out so that my child can sleep peacefully. We visualized a white wall covering each wall, ceiling, and floor including the doorways. I took an other video after that. There was nothing to see.

My son as never seen the video, I decided not to show him to make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed.

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